- Morphofunctional analysis, including ultrastructural analysis (optical fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy). For information and quotes, contact Stefano Squarzoni
- Evaluation of in vitro drug activity on cell cultures and evaluation of antibody efficiency and specificity. For information and quotes, contact Dr.ssa Manuela Piazzi
- Nikon-Structured Illumination Microscopy (3D N-SIM). Per informazione e preventivi rivolgersi al Dott. Spartaco Santi
- Wear analysis of orthopedic prostheses through the use of electron microscopy associated with microanalysis. For information and quotes, contact Dr. Stefano Squarzoni
- Training and education services for optical fluorescence microscopy, and for transmission and scanning electron microscopy, both as regards the preparatory phases and for the acquisition and processing of images. For information and quotes, contact Dr. Stefano Squarzoni
The IGM-Unit of Bologna is responsible for the BioLaM biobank which stores biological samples from muscular dystrophies and various types of laminopathies. The biobank was set up in collaboration with the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.