Stefano Squarzoni

Istituto di Genetica Molecolare “Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza” – Sede di Bologna
c/o Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli -via di Barbiano 1/10
40136 Bologna 
Phone: +39 051 6366768


Curriculum Vitae – Download

Complete List of Publications – Download

Research Activity

Current activity

Main fields of study are represented by laminopathies and pathologies of the skeletal muscle, research lines initiated in 1996 and 1992, respectively.

Activity was focused on muscular dystrophies which were developed and continued until present, further evolving to studies on nuclear envelope- related diseases known as “laminopathies”.

Also, pathologies related to mutations in collagen type VI (ColVI) e.g: Bethlem Myopathy,  Ullrich Scleroatonic Muscular Dystrophy etc. are investigated.

In detail, main topics were: the localization of proteins involved in muscular dystrophies at the TEM level (dystrophin, laminin alpha 2, emerin); study of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy due to nuclear proteins alterations (lamin A/C, emerin; definition and characterization of laminopathies, either with muscular phenotype or with different symptoms (FPLD, MAD, progeria); study of collagen VI -related myopathies (Bethlem and Ullrich syndromes) and tendon involvement in those diseases. For the morphological analysis of the ColVI secreted into the extracellular matrix, we extensively applied electron microscopy (TEM) and immune-gold labelling methods, both on conventional sections and on Rotary-Shadowing platinum/carbon replicas, which allow us to increase structural and organizational resolution of macromolecules down to 2 nm

A second field of interest, initiated in 1993, is the study of wear mechanism and consequent failure of orthopaedic prostheses, along with the early diagnosis of wear onset, by means of energy dispersive X-ray analysis  (SEM-EDS) of synovial liquid from patients carrying hip prostheses. This unique method represents today a real diagnostic tool.

Activity 1984-1992

Main research topics:

chromatin organization of the interphasic nucleus by freeze-fracture methods and image analysis; electron microscopy of nucleus thin sections and combined “sectioned replica”technique.

Localization of nuclear components by “pre-embedding” immunocytochemistry; optimization of “post-embedding” techniques; direct comparison of isolated chromosomes by light, fluorescence and electron (transmission, scanning and scanning-transmission) microscopy.

Research Group


Cristina Capanni, Vittoria Cenni, Giovanna Lattanzi, Elisabetta Mattioli, Stefano   Squarzoni


Vittoria Cenni, Giovanna Lattanzi, Elisabetta Mattioli, Patrizia Sabatelli, Stefano Squarzoni 


Patrizia Sabatelli, Stefano Squarzoni


Stefano Squarzoni


Recent Publications


Cenni V; Sabatelli P; Di Martino A; Merlini L; Antoniel M; Squarzoni S; Neri S; Santi S; Metti S; Bonaldo P; Faldini C.

Collagen VI Deficiency Impairs Tendon Fibroblasts Mechanoresponse in Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Journal Article

In: Cells, vol. 13, iss. 5, pp. 378, 2024.

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Squarzoni S

Immunoelectron Microscopy Methods Journal Article

In: Methods in molecular biology, vol. 2655, pp. 201-210, 2023.

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Cesare E; Urciuolo A; Stuart HT; Torchio E; Gesualdo A; Laterza C; Gagliano O; Martewicz S; Cui M; Manfredi A; Di Filippo L; Sabatelli P; Squarzoni S; Zorzan I; Betto RM; Martello G; Cacchiarelli D; Luni C; Elvassore N

3D ECM-rich environment sustains the identity of naive human iPSCs Journal Article

In: Cell stem cell, vol. 29, iss. 12, pp. 1703-1717, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Calabrese G; Petralia S; Franco D; Nocito G; Fabbi C; Forte L; Guglielmino S; Squarzoni S; Traina F; Conoci S

A new Ag-nanostructured hydroxyapatite porous scaffold: Antibacterial effect and cytotoxicity study. Journal Article

In: Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, vol. 118, pp. 111394, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Franco D; Calabrese G; Petralia S; Neri G; Corsaro C; Forte L; Squarzoni S; Guglielmino S; Traina F; Fazio E; Conoci S

Antimicrobial Effect and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Mg-Doped Hydroxyapatite Functionalized with Au-Nano Rods Journal Article

In: Molecules, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1099, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Squarzoni S; Schena E; Sabatelli P; Mattioli E; Capanni C; Cenni V; D'Apice MR; Andrenacci D; Sarli G; Pellegrino V; Festa A; Baruffaldi F and Storci G; Bonafè M; Barboni C; Sanapo M; Zaghini A; Lattanzi G

Interleukin-6 neutralization ameliorates symptoms in prematurely aged mice. Journal Article

In: Aging Cell, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. e13285, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Calabrese G; Petralia S; Franco D; Nocito G; Fabbi C; Forte L; Guglielmino S; Squarzoni S; Traina F; Conoci S

A new Ag-nanostructured hydroxyapatite porous scaffold: Antibacterial effect and cytotoxicity study. Journal Article

In: Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, vol. 118, pp. 111394, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cenni V; Squarzoni S; Loi M; Mattioli E; Lattanzi G; Capanni C

Emerin Phosphorylation during the Early Phase of the Oxidative Stress Response Influences Emerin-BAF Interaction and BAF Nuclear Localization Journal Article

In: Cells, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1415, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cenni V; Capanni C; Mattioli E; Schena E; Squarzoni S; Bacalini MG; Garagnani P; Salvioli S; Franceschi C; Lattanzi G

Lamin A Involvement in Ageing Processes Journal Article

In: Ageing research reviews, vol. 62, pp. 101073, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Zaghini A; Sarli G; Barboni C; Sanapo M; Pellegrino V; Diana A; Linta N; Rambaldi J; D'Apice MR; Murdocca M; Baleani M; Baruffaldi F; Fognani R; Mecca R; Festa A; Papparella S; Paciello O; Prisco F; Capanni C; Loi M; Schena E; Lattanzi G; Squarzoni S

Long term breeding of the Lmna G609G progeric mouse: Characterization of homozygous and heterozygous models. Journal Article

In: Experimental gerontology, vol. 130, pp. 110784, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Zaghini A; Sarli G; Barboni C; Sanapo M; Pellegrino V; Diana A; Linta N; Rambaldi J; D'Apice MR; Murdocca M; Baleani M; Baruffaldi F; Fognani R; Mecca R; Festa A; Papparella S; Paciello O; Prisco F; Capanni C; Loi M; Schena E; Lattanzi G; Squarzoni S

Long term breeding of the Lmna G609G progeric mouse: Characterization of homozygous and heterozygous models. Journal Article

In: Experimental gerontology, vol. 130, pp. 110784, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Antoniel M; Traina F; Merlini L; Andrenacci D; Tigani D; Santi S; Cenni V; Sabatelli P; Faldini C; Squarzoni S

Tendon Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Defective Cell Polarization in the Presence of Collagen VI Mutations. Journal Article

In: Cells, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. e409, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Pellegrini C; Columbaro M; Schena E; Prencipe S; Andrenacci D; Iozzo P; Angela Guzzardi M; Capanni C; Mattioli E; Loi M; Araujo-Vilar D; Squarzoni S; Cinti S; Morselli P; Giorgetti A; Zanotti L; Gambineri A; Lattanzi G

Altered adipocyte differentiation and unbalanced autophagy in type 2 Familial Partial Lipodystrophy: an in vitro and in vivo study of adipose tissue browning. Journal Article

In: Experimental & molecular medicine., vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 89, 2019.

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Gualandi F; Sette E; Fortunato F; Bigoni S; De Grandis D; Scotton C; Selvatici R; Neri M; Incensi A; Liguori R; Storbeck M; Karakaya M; Simioni V; Squarzoni S; Timmerman V; Wirth B; Donadio V; Tugnoli V; Ferlini A

Report of a novel ATP7A mutation causing distal motor neuropathy. Journal Article

In: Neuromuscular disorders, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 776-785, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Loi M; Cenni V; Duchi S; Squarzoni S; Lopez-Otin C; Foisner R; Lattanzi G; Capanni C

Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor (BAF) involvement in prelamin A-related chromatin organization changes. Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 15662-15677, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sardone F; Santi S; Tagliavini F; Traina F; Merlini L; Squarzoni S; Cescon M; Wagener R; Maraldi NM; Bonaldo P; Faldini C; Sabatelli P

Collagen VI-NG2 axis in human tendon fibroblasts under conditions mimicking injury response. Journal Article

In: Matrix Biology, vol. 55, pp. 90-105, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Pellegrini C; Columbaro M; Capanni C; D'Apice MR; Cavallo C; Murdocca M; Lattanzi G; Squarzoni S

All-trans retinoic acid and rapamycin normalize Hutchinson Gilford progeria fibroblast phenotype. Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 6, no. 30, pp. 29914-29928, 2015.

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Cesarini E; Mozzetta C; Marullo F; Gregoretti F; Gargiulo A; Columbaro M; Cortesi A; Antonelli L; Di Pelino S; Squarzoni S; Palacios D; Zippo A; Bodega B; Oliva G; Lanzuolo C

Lamin A/C sustains PcG protein architecture, maintaining transcriptional repression at target genes. Journal Article

In: Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 211, no. 3, pp. 533-551, 2015.

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Evangelisti C; Bernasconi P; Cavalcante P; Cappelletti C; D'Apice MR; Sbraccia P; Novelli G; Prencipe S; Lemma S; Baldini N; Avnet S; Squarzoni S; Martelli AM; Lattanzi G

Modulation of TGFbeta 2 levels by lamin A in U2-OS osteoblast-like cells: understanding the osteolytic process triggered by altered lamins. Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 7424-7437, 2015.

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